Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Have a (wet)Dream- World Peace

I finally got whatever bug it was that has been going around the house. I was the last to catch it and had perhaps let my guard down. Really, I deserved it, flitting about with the careless arrogance of a sailor on shore leave without a worry in the world; who knew I would catch a virus? I went home about 11am yesterday and crawled into bed, slept until everyone got home at five'ish, got up for two hours, felt weary but wasn’t sleepy, consumed two valium and headed back upstairs. I woke at 5 am the next morning and felt great. Perfect, except for the 10 hours preceding waking up.

I am no oneirologist and after this don’t want to be. Now mind you, sex dreams are always a bit uncomfortable in the sense that I am either in public, can’t close the deal or the third person to enter the room. In this case I found something new to haunt me.

A Venezuelan hottie with a c-section scar. Hugo Chávez be damned I tapped her in a laundromat. I presumed this because there was dirty laundry and a vending machine. (it was either an oil rich country with gross class stratification or the front porch of a frat house) Much like this paragraph there was little intro. I suddenly found myself inexplicably propping her up and fully “engaged.” Everything is great- Full, supple breasts, positive feedback, and well coifed yet carefully defined pubic hair (either precise shaving or alopecia perfected by god.) While gazing across her russet skin I, with shock, noticed the telltale scar. The MILF, or MIF in this case, was not the issue but the scar became a point of fixation. So much so, that I stopped...that is not me.

Looking through the lens of an ametuer oneirologist, I am thinking that my illicit multinational dream may serve to fulfill my sub conscious desire for true world peace, yet the scar serves as a reminder that my political ideology combined with first hand awareness of corrupt governments worldwide will always prevent me from putting any resources towards realizing true world peace. Or I don’t like scars. Not sure.

More to follow.

Sunday, January 3, 2010